Saturday, October 19, 2013

Builders of Faith and Unity

"Careful...steady...STOP SHAKING THE TABLE!"

After a long weekend of turkey, stuffing, (or Chinese food) and giving thanks,  QCCC had an enjoyable night with Jenga and building...structures...? Although building houses with a deck of cards wasn't as easy as it seemed, we managed to have fun building some rather interesting structures with a hybrid of cards and Jenga pieces (thanks to our well-trained Queen's engineers!). Through these activities, we made connections with building our faith and creating unity within the community. Jenga was an excellent analogy because one lone wooden block at the base supporting the structure is not ideal and the structure is bound to collapse. Likewise, we usually cannot grow in faith alone; we need others by our side to enrich our lives and provide support when we need it most. 

Trust, and the sense of unity is an essential ingredient in a community like QCCC. Without these crucial components, there really is no true community. In our "Circle of Faith" activity, we placed our 100% trust on the person who supported us. As we realized from multiple attempts, unity and team-building does not work if we are hesitant in putting our trust in others. Failure will also arise if we don't act as trustworthy people in our community. We soon learned that fully placing our weight on the person behind us, and being completely reliant was the key to success.

St. Vincent Ferrer was introduced tonight for Saintspiration because he is the patron saint of builders. We learned a lot about his life and work as a follower of Christ through some beautifully hand-drawn cartoons with an interesting accompanying story. St. Vincent was known for strengthening the Church through his preaching, missionary work, and teachings. We should follow St. Vincent's example and and act as pillars for the present and future Church.

Here are some more intense photos...